Really good fun!

After yesterday’s walk, I thought a bit more about repeating it, but this time in the Kia. And the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. The weather was beautiful today, sunny and crisp with a clear blue sky, so I decided to sort out a mount for my little Canon camcorder on the Kia’s dashboard and just do it 🙂

Thinking about the condition that I’d found the trail to be in yesterday, I thought that this time it would be better to cover the route in the reverse direction, just in case the mud I’d encountered on the climb back up towards my house proved to be a bit too slippery. I didn’t think it would do, but as this was my first major venture off-road with the Kia, I decided that discretion was probably advisable.

So eventually, off I headed in the bright sunshine, with the heater whirring away and making it toasty warm inside the car. I had the camcorder running the whole way round and have already knocked the footage into a video of the drive. You can see it by clicking on the following pic.


It’s given me a bit of a taste now and as there are quite a few more trails close to my house, I think I might have another go. I don’t know when it will be, but I’ve already got a route in mind 😉