And relaaaax…

I finished off the last small section of concrete this morning, as I intended to. I then went around with a sand/cement mixture making good the several small areas and holes where stones came to the surface or where there was a bad join between adjoining bays and I’m pleased with the results as it came out as least as well as I’d expected, if not better, as shown below.


It was satisfying cleaning up all my tools afterwards and getting them ready to be put away again until the next time. I think that putting down the base will be the worst part of building the wood store and I hope that it’ll only take a couple of days or so to get the basic framework up. I then went off for a good wash and a late lunch at around 2.30 pm, gave myself the rest of the day off and awarded myself a well-earned rest.

What about flying? Well, quite honestly, building my new wood store has to take precedence while the weather is as dry and settled as it is, so I can’t see myself getting airborne again until next week at the earliest. In any case, Victor’s not around as he and Madeleine are in Belgium and Wim is off grape picking in the Gironde, so it would be a solo experience anyway. All the more reason to press on while they’re away so we can fly together when they return.